July 24th 2018
This week there has been important news from Asia regarding cryptocurrencies. The formation of a special division of Japan’s FSA (Financial Services Agency) in charge of cryptocurrencies, fintech and money laundering matters, the Vietnam’s Central Bank halting cryptominer imports, the opening of the first bank-backed crypto exchange in Japan or the launch of a 1.5 billion USD public fund for public blockchain projects on a chinese city are just a few of the examples of the variety of important developments we are seeing emerge around the world.
We’ve selected some reading material to help you keep up with the cryptoworld.
As always, feel free to share your feedback with us in the comments or join our Discord servers to engage with the community.
Weekly suggested reading
Quora leads with two solid posts:
The applications of Blockchain in Big Data and How Blockchain will make electronic voting more secure
Samsung accepting crypto payments in three countries
This article discusses what it means for crypto to mainstream, which may happen sooner than you think!
Blockchain is helping restructure the freelance economy
This piece by Saddie Williamson touches on how Blockchain is changing the freelance landscape, helping to establish trust and providing the backbone for a thriving community.
How Digital Identity solves privacy and compliance issues for business
This article explores the benefits of individuals having greater control over what personal information companies may access.
Potential benefits of using Blockchain Technology
This short article is a good recap on the different use cases that blockchain technology may have and how it can help to solve today’s problems.
We never forget our developer friends. Some of the developers at Duality like to code to tunes like this one, this one (yes — it’s The Police DnB, deal with it) and this one. What music do you like to put while you code? Jump into our #music channel on Discord and give us a few suggestions!
Stay tuned for news and announcements. New releases are just around the corner! As always, you want to be involved in the Duality community, just jump into Discord.
We hope you all have a cool week!