2021: Duality Secures $500K additional funding from Angel Investors, Prepares for Commercialization.
There are certain times when everything just lines up perfectly, better than you could have planned, like it was meant to be. The Roman philosopher Seneca reminds us that we must create our own luck — to be prepared for the opportunity — “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity”. Although we didn’t see Covid coming or these crazy economic times, our hard work and preparation has put us in a unique position that’s focused on the nexus between healthcare data and blockchain technology.
The past few years we’ve been diligently working on a blockchain-based health technology platform to help improve how health systems are designed, built, and interact with one another. At Duality, we believe that good data starts with accurate identification. With the advent of new technologies like AI, blockchain, and the ability to hash patient data, we can now link patient health data, in real-time, in a way that’s highly secure and globally scalable.
2021 Starts off with a Bang!
If the first two weeks of January is any indication of how the year is going to be, then all we can say is WOW. First and foremost, we’re happy to announce that we’ve secured an additional $500K in funding from two new angel investors. This will give us the funds we need to continue development throughout the year including hiring two new developers. This brings us up to five full time developers! Our goal is to fast-track the first commercial application built on the Duality platform called NoID. NoID is a patient identification software solution used to accurately identify patients at the point of care. The primary purpose of the funds raised will be to finish NoID and get it to market. Once NoID is in commercial use, we will direct our focus back to the Duality platform and use NoID as the first real world use-case example to bring in new developers, investors, and partners. The roadmap below highlights our development plans for the next 18 months. Our website roadmap will be updated soon to reflect the new timeline.
New Hires
Onboard additional blockchain and UI dev
NSF Grant $250K
NSF grant proposal awarded
NoID MVP testing
NoID internal testing begins
Dynamic v2.5.0.0
Dynamic v2.5.0.0 Release
NoID MVP Release
First Commercial Client
NoID implemented in US Hospital System
Smart Contracts
Smart contract asset development begins
Dynamic Sidechains
Public & Private sidechain integration
Dynamic v2.6.0.0
Dynamic v2.6.0.0 release
BDAP SDK release
Duality Global Asset
Launch DGA public token sale
Oracle development begins
Arbitrage Smart Contract
ASC development begins
NoID v1.0
NoID mobile release v1.0
Identity Services and WebBridge API
Internal testing begins
Medical Terminology Engine
RESTful API development begins
Clinical Data Aggregation Engine
Development begins
Emission Algorithm
Development begins
Duality Platform v1.0.0
Duality Health Connect Platform Release
Disclosure: It must be noted that, as with all complex systems under active development, the contents of this roadmap are subject to change.
The focus for the first half of this year will be getting NoID to market. The most recent development video shows the integration of X.509 certificates and audits. The 5-year development roadmap gives clarity on the future direction of NoID.
The next big development of 2021 will be Dynamic v2.5.0.0. We need v2.5 to launch NoID so that means there’s a firm deadline to release in May. Coordinating the v2.5 release with NoID will offer more time to add enhanced features like Proof-of-Stake. At a minimum, Dynamic v2.5 will include X.509 certificates, audits, and minor bug fixes. Here’s a snapshot of our Jira board for the core wallet:
As far as other development, we have Amir and Dave working on the APIs as well as Chris and Lloyd working on the UI.
Here’s a glimpse of the current projects and their status:
Stay tuned for the next article where we’ll go into more detail on the 2021 marketing plans!
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