2019 is turning out to be busy, and we want to share what we are up to behind the scenes.
- Sequence v1.3 continues to be tested and any last minute critical changes before release are being worked on.
- Dynamic v2.4-WIP (public branch) is frozen and the final work for BDAP and pShare are being completed within private branches.
- pShare has entered its second sprint phase, and we are looking forward to reaching MVP.
- Currently, we are forming technical white papers for all of our solutions we offer, starting with BDAP and pShare.
- Infographic videos (equal to what NoID currently has to explain enrollment and identification) are currently being created for other solutions we provide, starting with pShare.
- From the day we launched the new website we have been hard at work on improvements, these changes will be pushed live within the coming weeks.
- Platform updates are being done and will be pushed as they are completed.
- Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and Russian translations for Dynamic are being worked on and we are attempting to complete as many translations as possible for the v2.4 release. (for anyone interested in helping with the translations, join us on discord)
- Going into 2019 we are in talks with a new exchange to have both Dynamic and Sequence markets, as well as completing work with another exchange to first get Dynamic listed, then later Sequence.
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